Saturday, August 2, 2008

About Your Textbooks for 209

Your main text for this class is going to be a course pack-ish resource which is basically a "Linguistics for Dummies" (i.e., a cut to the chase and make me laugh periodically along the way approach to linguistics). It is absolutely indispensable. In the past I have made these available to you electronically, chapter by chapter. I'm working on a printed, bound copy you can buy at the book store. I'll keep you apprised (and hopefully not up-rised, uprisen?)

However, I feel morally bound to require a substantive textbook that has the seal of approval of linguists worldwide, so your required text is Language Files which is published by The Ohio State University Press. If I were you, I'd get on Amazon marketplace forthwith and order an earlier edition (the newest is the 10th) for a couple of bucks before everyone else in the nation gets on there to do the same thing and snatches them all up.

I also recommend the Introduction to Language text by Fromkin, Rodman, and Hyams. Any edition will probably meet your main needs. This book goes into more detail about every subject it covers and is very clear about everything. It also has nice summaries at the end of each chapter, a good glossary, and a lot of comic strips, which are pretty amusing. Some people complain that it is too wordy and otherwise redundant. This totally depends on what kind of reader and learner you are, so I'd look through the book rather critically before deciding to buy-- however, you can't really go wrong with a 2.00 copy of an earlier edition.

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